
Bleach >> Ishida Uryuu



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Ishida Uryuu

: Ishida Uryuu
Birthday : November 6
Height : 171 cm
Weight : 55 kg
Blood type : AB
Occupation : High School Student, Quincy

Ishida Uryuu, He is a classmate of main character Ichigo Kurosaki. He is introduced as the last Quincy.

Uryuu Ishida is only 15 years old so he doesn't have the same rich history as some shinigami who lived for hundreds of years. However, several details about his past are revealed in the series.

Uryuu mostly interacted and trained with his grandfather in his childhood, not having very good relations with his father. This is reinforced by the fact that Uryuu calls his father by his first name (Ryuuken). One of the reasons was probably that his father seemed to care more about money than protecting people from hollows. Uryuu's grandfather, S��ken, said that Ryuuken was right in wanting to have a secure income, and told Uryuu that he would someday understand his father's motives. So far he hasn't understood them, but it's possible he will in the near future, with the recent developments in the story.

At a fairly young age, Uryuu's grandfather was killed by hollows right in front of him, while he wasn't able to do a thing to protect him. This is one of the reasons he hates the shinigami, who didn't come to protect S��ken in time. It is later revealed that the current captain of the 12th division was behind the delay so that his grandfather's soul could be collected for study.

Ishida UryuuUryuu is one of the strongest protagonists in the series, also being the only Quincy in Ichigo's group. He is able to naturally fight at a level that is thought to be somewhat lower than a shinigami captain. His potential is even greater than this, but it cannot be safely reached because he is limited by the amount of power his human body can withstand. It is hinted in the manga that his father Ryuuken Ishida can surpass these limits.

Quincy powers operate by drawing spiritual energy from the environment and directing it using your willpower. (As opposed to shinigami powers, which work by using your soul's inner strength) If a Quincy is powerful enough, they can actually deconstruct spiritual objects to use their power. However, the human body begins to fail if it absorbs too much energy, and seals itself off from spiritual energy so that the Quincy does not die, causing him to lose his powers. This is described as burnout.

Uryuu uses a bow as his main weapon. This bow is made from the spiritual energy and the wielder's skill determines how much energy he is able to direct using the Ishida Uryuubow. Early dialogue suggests that there are other Quincy techniques other than bow & arrow, but none of these have been shown. As a Quincy, Ishida is able to use Quincy items and techniques, including high-level ones (see Quincy for a complete list).

Uryuu's original bow was that of a normal Quincy and was named Kojaku (��ȸ, Lone Sparrow), but he later mastered the sanrei gloves, which let him create a more impressive bow. The ultimate bow of the Quincy can be used upon the removal of the gloves, which causes a surge of energy powerful enough to completely overwhelm an average shinigami captain. Uryuu did this in his fight against Mayuri Kurotsuchi, defeating him, but ended up powerless to resist captain Kaname T��sen slightly afterwards, due to his loss of power.

In the manga, Uryuu's father promises to return his Quincy powers to normal on the condition that Uryuu never associates with any shinigami, including his friend, Ichigo Kurosaki. In chapter 214, Uryuu is seen training in a hidden chamber by dueling his father, much like Ichigo's training in the Urahara Shop, and as of chapter 226 it seems he has regained his powers after getting shot near the heart by his father with an arrow.

Ishida Uryuu

  Kurosak Ichigo


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